Thursday, September 10, 2009

This is how I learnt my Hindi... and got such pathetic marks

 Recently, my exams got over. Giving the exams were hard, but preparing for them was much much harder. I thought posting a few of my hindi notes, as I had taken them down on my notebook, would be fun, because they come with a twist...

हनुमान पर एक टिप्पणी लिखें 
पवनपुत्र हनुमान राम भक्त थें. He was 1 of the main characters in the Ramayana. He is worshipped as  a very महान सेवक even today. He had considered Sitaji his mother (मातुल्य माना था) He went to her with a message from her husband - Ramji. By playing a major role in the राम - रावण युद्ध, he completely दहनed the city of Lanka. He was very साहसी और बुद्धिमान. 

राधा पर एक टिप्पणी लिखिए 
सुशील - समझदार नारी. Educated and capable housewife. दूर्दर्शी Radha is an आदर्श पात्र in this एकांकी. She is an intelligent, सुशील woman who wants to keep मधुर relations with her husband's family. Radha's dialogue " बेटियाँ तो सबकी साँझी होतीं हैं" shows that she considers her देवर's daughter like her own. She warns her husband to stay away from Raghuraj. Against her husband's wishes, she goes to Kishan Singh's house to give Lakshmi her wedding gift. She's आर्थिक and a गुणों का भंडार. Only women like Radha can save a बिगड़ता घर. 
Gosh! Even they're telling me!
रघुराज पर टिप्पणी लिखिए:

  1. Villain
  2. A complete निगोड़ा, as Radha says. (Raghuraj was a jerk, and an idiot)
  3. Narrow बुद्धि - ed. 
  4. Thinks that औरतs  should always know their औकात  and be डराओed - धमकाed so they don't dance on your सर.
  5. Put fire to Mangal Singh's Factory, and hence betrayed him.
  6.  In short, local trouble-maker.



Anonymous said...

Very Impressive. But I am glad I am not sharing notes with you!!

sujata sengupta said...

I do this bangla all the time...dahan-ed!!! hahaha

Diwakar Sinha said...


Ishita said...

Jyothi: Thanks for reading, and trust me you wouldnt want to read my notes further!

Sujata: I told you this wascoming!

Diwakar:thanks for dropping in!
Although I wouldve appreciated a little more than a smiley, thanks anyway!

Ajit Ray said...

I really don't understand why you should score low with such an efficient mode of taking notes. I would never take notes in class because I would find it too boring to read what I had written down. Pity I don't have your skills...

toshali said...

preparing oh hate it especially computer i have the computer test is the exams is like a thousand times easier than preparing for it good luck...even i do not score good mrks in hindi