I think I'm growing old. Correction, close to dead. Yeah, you must think that this is very random, and I'm probably just going crazy because I haven't been blogging for over a month, I guess. But no, I'm perfectly sane, if you see, really I am (ignore the obvious insanity that is reflected through my blogs).
I have a logical explanation (for the first time - Standing Ovation please!) to why I think so.
1. I keep forgetting everything. By everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I forget what Maggi is called, I forget my best friend's mane, I forget my teacher's mane, the subject he teaches, and what's more? To defend myself, I call it makings of the next Newton . (Me, physics, Newton ? Ha Ha. Joke of the day!
2. I have a strand of white hair or two, once or twice. The first time I had it, my mother rushed me to the doctor. Even I don't understand that.
3. I don't think like people of my age should. Like, for instance, when I read a story or see a movie, I analyze each character to every inch of its soul, and when I'm satisfied about my analysis, I write an essay in the character. Something I guess which is freakishly nerdy.
4. I surprisingly, prefer the Archies' songs to Linkin Park 's. Yes, I would prefer Sugar Sugar or Get on the Line for Love any day to New Divide or maybe even any Metallica songs. Honestly I think Metallica is absolute rubbish CRAP!!!
5. I get hit by this sudden wave of nostalgia at times. Hey! Nostalgia is only for old people, and people who just cannot get over something. I always go around telling people: Move on man! Get over with it - just let go. Ok, not all of than together, but you get the tasveer.
6. I blog. Not only about my daily life, and in perfectly readable English, but also with a sensible template, font and no pictures with heartbreak in them. Or any sort of Manga. People have to actually check my profile to see if I actually have just started off with my teenage years (Read Sakshi). And I have the best vocabulary in my class, probably better than some of my readers too. (Warning: This is not a challenge. I'm just saying for the sake of y'know...saying. So please do not sue me.)
7. I crave for comments. I feel like reading Shakespeare at times. I get 43 as my real age on a FaceBook quiz. What else do you want?
Oh Boy, Ain't I an Old Soul!
I am actually waiting for the day you grow up and become responsible. And I think that day will never come.
you are growing old???? that would make me prehistoric no? and it would make your mom..super pre historic..have mercy please and stop saying such stuff..all the points including gray hair is to do with our bad genes..and the then there are the awesome stuff that you have, like your humour and your writing thats the good genes
@Aparna: I'm pretty sure you have a schizophrenic first daughter.
@Sujata: Puh-lease! Those are the SO OBVIOUS! things. If someone doesn't see that then they're blind, deaf(I can be funny when I talk too), or a pure idiot.
oh dear, i will consider as deepthinking about urself...dnt forget everyone should feel young from within...and yes i too kn that it was just a funny thought.,....well being older to you i think u should eat almonds to improve ur memory :-)just an advise dear
I tell you....you really have a reason to worry. Na not the grey hair or the forgetting names part!! The third point to be precise. I used to do the same *GULP* write essays about characters and you can clearly see where I have landed up *grins*
Lolz I still can't believe that you are a bubbly teenager when I read some of your posts. The only thing that makes me realize that you are in school is when you write about your friends :) You know you really write well and thank god for that genes he passed on from your mom and aunt.
I think it's ok about what you feel and by god i would prefer a teenager like you any time of the year to those i find around here who has nothing better to do than snuggle with boys and trade lipsticks!!!!
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